
Import script


I would like to make a custom import XML script, to load external data from a custom software. This software only send xml data to the webshops.
It is ok, but I would like to store an external ID in commerce (what is searchable).
I tried that:

$product = commerce_product_new('product');
$product->product_id = $sid;   // $sid is the external ID

but it doesn't work. The product_id is an internal ID, it is not modified.

I created custom field in "product types": field_sid

But how can I search in this field? I can search in SKU field with commerce_product_load_by_sku() function.


Posted: Apr 12, 2012


makgab on April 25, 2012


I have a problem in import script. How can I save the product with product image?
I tried it:

$product_q = commerce_product_load_by_sku( $xml_product ); // load to modify with image data
$product = new StdClass();
$product = $product_q;
$product->status = '1';
$product->revision_timestamp = time();
$product->created = time();
$product->changed = time();
$product->field_image[LANGUAGE_NONE][0] = array(
   'uid' => ...,
   'width' => ...,
   'height' => ...,
   'filename' => ...,
   'uri' => 'public://commerce/' . $file_name,
   'filemime' => 'image/jpeg',
   'filesize' => ...,
   'fid' => ...,
   'status' => '1',
   'timestamp' => time(),
commerce_product_save( $product );

No error, but I cannot save image data into database.

How can I set the " $product->field_image[LANGUAGE_NONE][0] " in script?


makgab on April 25, 2012

I used the file_save().
No error, but not image to product. The entry is ok in "file_managed" table, but in "field_data_field_image" and "field_revision_field_image" tables are no entries (with entity_id and revision_id fields). Why? :(

The code:

$imgdata = base64_decode( $xml_webpic );
$img = imagecreatefromstring( $imgdata );
if ( $img !== false && imagejpeg( $img, DRUPAL_ROOT . '/sites/default/files/commerce/' . $xml_product . '_img.jpg' ) ) {
       $file = new StdClass();
       $file->fid = NULL;
       $file->uid = $user->uid;
       $file->filename = $xml_product . '_img.jpg';
       $file->uri = 'public://commerce/' . $xml_product . '_img.jpg';
       $file->filemime =  image_type_to_mime_type(IMAGETYPE_JPEG);
       $file->filesize = filesize( DRUPAL_ROOT . '/sites/default/files/commerce/' . $xml_product . '_img.jpg' );
       $file->status = '1';
       $file->timestamp = time();
       // file_save() to get $fid
       $thefile = file_save( $file );
       // get image info from saved image
       list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize( DRUPAL_ROOT . '/sites/default/files/commerce/' . $xml_product . '_img.jpg' );
       // $product_q exists in commerce?
       if ( $product_q = commerce_product_load_by_sku( $xml_product ) ) {
           $product = new StdClass();
           $product = $product_q;
           $product->status = '1';
           $product->revision_timestamp = time();
           $product->type = $product_q->type;
           $product->uid = $product_q->uid;
           $product->created = time();
           $product->changed = time();
           $product->field_image[LANGUAGE_NONE][0] = array(
             'uid' => $product_q->uid,
             'alt' => '',
             'revision_id' => $product->revision_id,
             'entity_id' => $product->product_id,
             'title' => '',
             'width' => $width,
             'height' => $height,
             'filename' => $thefile->filename,
             'uri' => $thefile->uri,
             'filemime' => $thefile->filemime,
             'filesize' => filesize( DRUPAL_ROOT . '/sites/default/files/commerce/' . $xml_product . '_img.jpg' ),
             'fid' => $thefile->fid,
             'status' => $thefile->status,
             'timestamp' => $thefile->timestamp,
             'rdf_mapping' => array(),
         // so I tried it:
         // $product->field_image[LANGUAGE_NONE][0] = $thefile;
         commerce_product_save( $product );
         } // if
  } // if

makgab on April 28, 2012

I solved it!
The new product is a custom product_type (for exmaple: book).
I need to add the built-in field "Image" (field_image) to this product_type (book).
Then it is working. :)

Intersting: the built-in fields need to add to the product_types, but the custom fields no need add to product_types (these are automatic added fields).