
selling Content to Users

Hiya M8s,

i've got a question about a particulary Problem. Well, iam working on a Project (private Business Page) where i want to sell Content to Users.

User X should visit my Site, and select from a Plan. For example he decided to go for an 30Days Membership. After he'd chosed and fill out the Checkout Forms, he should be redirected to PayPal to complete the Payment.
When this is done, he should be redirected to my page again with an Message, that his Account activated and active for 30Days. The User Account should be automaticly expire after the period of 30Days.

This particular User should be able to create an accout on the checkout, if the payment is completed, drupal should free the "30Day Membership", if not the Account should not be created. <- This is the main Problem

Could someone help me?

regard from Germany

Posted: Jan 17, 2012


rfay Randy Fay on January 17, 2012

IMO, you should not be worrying about whether the new user has been created, but instead what privileges (roles) that user has been granted. A user without any privileges is no user at all. So (IMO) just let the user creation process happen as it does, but on order completion grant the role to the user.

Dan on January 18, 2012

Hiya M8y,

thanks for your quick reply. But it doesnt answered my question it raised only more questions :)

As i said before, its a necessary requirement, that each user, has its individual account.
Each account must be expire after (for example) 30Days Membership. And thats i dont know how to realize.

I'd watched both videos about selling content, but it only shows, how one particular user, can access
one paricular node. It was helpful and not, you know?!

Could you hint me into the right direction? Hope its doable with Commerce...

regards from Germany