DrupalCommerce.org exists to help people learn how to use and develop for Drupal Commerce. In addition to the traditional education tools we offer in our documentation, video library, and Commerce Q&A, we host a showcase of sites built using Drupal Commerce. It’s one thing to tell people how to use a tool to build something, but it’s quite another to show actually show them the end result.
And the results are stunning.

Since launching, we’ve received dozens of showcase requests from developers around the world. These sites have varied widely in design, feature set, market, and size, and each one provides an opportunity for new developers to learn something new.

Our DrupalCommerce.org handyman Josh Miller just finished a redesign of the showcase that will make it even easier for you to find reference sites built using Drupal Commerce and learn how they were built. Our showcase is now organized by a variety of categories based on the products sold and the tools used. You can quickly scan a list of beautiful sites for design and feature inspiration, and in our featured showcases you can find a write-up or case study describing the modules and processes used to develop the featured site.
We aim to give credit where credit is due, so while we would love for you to share your latest work with the community, we would also love to link to your company or personal website so new users know who to look to for advice and consulting when they need help. Our featured showcases in particular give you an opportunity to talk about the modules you used (or contributed!) to build a site and talk about how you solved the various configuration and deployment tasks involved in launching a high quality eCommerce project.
Use the showcase submission form to get your latest creation featured today!