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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Answer Answer to Question 13730

specific to Commerce itself, so tread lightly on any Drupal 7 site for any entity type (e.g. nodes, users ...
Ryan Ryan Szrama — May 2014

Question Taxonomy pages don't show product displays

'/author/walt-whitman' there is nothing to see. I guess that is because the products are not accessible to normal users ...
osd — August 2013 — Taxonomy, Product Display

Answer Answer to Question 7266

Vote up! 1 Vote down! Does such functionality even exist in any e-commerce solution? If so, please post a link. I have never heard of this before and not sure why it would be needed. Better yet, can you please provide more details about your use case? Per ...
drupalability — April 2013 — 1 comment

Question Adding an update button pr. item in cart view?

currently user has to scroll all the way down to press submit, to update cart. I would like to add an ...
klavs — August 2013 — Cart, quantity

Answer Answer to Question 7422

Vote up! 2 Vote down! Or you could simply create three products called "Tier 1," "Tier 2," and "Tier 3" and attach them all to your "product" display node and format the product reference field to show this as a dro ...
joshmiller Josh Miller — August 2013 — 5 comments

Question Why won't checkout work with a Cart form on it?

these buttons are not allowing user to proceed through the checkout process. We are stuck in a loop of ...
jantico — April 2013 — Checkout

Question Pricing rule for customizable products attributes

user can enter custom value for them like if i have jeans product then customer can select ...

Discussion Role dependent product variations

I have products with multiple variations referenced by taxonomy terms. I want users to see the ... product has a field checked off and user’s role, and based on that unset or hide certain variations. ...
alexb03060 — May 2013 — 1 comment — commerce products

Answer Answer to Question 7196

this link visible only to that member role. You can place a view on their user account pages with the ...
drupalability — March 2013 — 2 comments

Discussion Payment for certain items.

users shopping cart. How can I do this? ...
Stillnikaien — June 2012 — 1 comment
