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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Discussion Design pattern for payment gateways

Looks like we need a multicurrency aware design pattern for payment gateways. Following issue in the Commerce Multicurrency queue contains several reports of problems with payment gateways when using multiple currencies: In ...
das-peter — April 2013 — 3 comments — payment gateways, payment, currency

Discussion Cart dissapears for anonymous when adding a product referenced field

show on non admin users. Do I need to grant a permission to the anonymous role? Is it normal? ...
Pol Maresma — May 2013 — 1 comment

Question Hide already purchased products (or allow purchasing the product only once)

all the products that are already purchased by the current user. This would allow purchasing products ... only once per user. I've tried to modify the view and add a relationship with the order, but ...
netol — March 2013 — Views, Order, relation

Question Buyers must buy at least X number of items?

someone tries to start the checkout process, a message should be shown telling the users the number of ...
GeertWil — May 2013 — Checkout

Discussion Discount in commerce webform

Hi! I am using commerce webform to create an event ticket. There is a question in the webform asking whether the participant has already attended the previous event? IF he selects YES, will ask for his attendee number and should provide 10% discount of th ...
jovemac — November 2014 — 1 comment — Commecre webforms, discount

Question "Edit own products" permission is not working!

products" permission users with that role can edit any product. And without that permission they can't ...
golubovicm — December 2013 — permissions, Troubleshooting

Question [solved] Conditional taxes B2B vs B2C pricing & roles

a few hours of pissing about trying to get the retail tax rule to only apply itself if the user is not ... Calculating the sell price of a product Elements(in this case): User has role(s) wholesaler Actions: Remove ...
DNZ Andy @ BlueFusion — October 2014 — Tax, Taxes

Discussion possible to make details custom products?

I've used Ubercart in the past and now looking to find a solution for another project while getting back into drupal, so im wondering if drupal commerce could handle some functionality like what is presented here > ...
petergus — September 2012 — 3 comments

Question Selling Content

do) with the title and a short summary. When the user (anonymous or logged in) clicks on the Read More ...
jlrobinson2171 — December 2013 — content access

Question Checking value of line item using Rules

Vote up! 0 Vote down! My line item type has a custom field attached to it that a user selects when ...
SkidNCrashwell Gideon Cresswell — October 2014 — payment rules, Rules, api
