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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Question Custom Line Item and Pricing Rules

Using rules the user goes directly to the checkout form. Using the editablefields module and the ... commerce custom product module I was able to create a custom line item where the user can choose the ticket ... anonymous users) I created a product pricing rule that looks at the ticket type select value and then ...

Answer Answer to Question 37854

Original Author: Ryan // Modifications by Josh global $user; $product_id = 6;   // Create the new order in ... checkout; you might also check first to // see if your user already has an order to use instead of a new ... one. $order = commerce_order_new ($user-> uid, 'checkout_checkout'); // Save the order to ...
joshmiller Josh Miller — August 2015

Answer Answer to Question 8976

redirect as anonymous user. I've discovered that I do able to change the login form as described in ...
Arik Yudin — August 2015

Answer Answer to Question 13213

reading the User Guide now, and it's very different from the tutorial. ...
toptomato — February 2014

Answer Answer to Question 37351

users know that they SHOULD NOT press back buttons after paying, or reload the page, as it could cause ...
tjohnston Travis — August 2015

Answer Answer to Question 8875

users. Then again, I suppose you've already done that if you've gotten this far. ...
zJoriz — August 2014

Discussion Subscriptions payment with DC

about the arquitecture I chose: 1. I have a subscription content type where I keep user data 2. In ... a product/product display with a fixed price 4. After a user creates a new subscription, I redirect the user to ... a page with an "add to cart form" for my product 5. The user follows all the process until the ...
dbrouard — February 2014 — 1 comment

Discussion How do i add files to an order

Hello, i am trying to let users add files to there order. Webshop where they order flyers and so ...
michiellucas — February 2012 — 2 comments

Question About Affiliate program in drupal commerce

track the sales and set the commission to the affiliates based on the products purchased, orders,users ...
Purush — April 2013 — affiliate programs

Discussion Custom Line Item and Pricing Rules

a single form once the add to cart button is selected. Using rules the user goes directly to the checkout ... a custom line item where the user can choose the ticket type from a select list. I then created three ... pricing rules that is supposed to change the unit price based on the user selection in the line item form. ...
denpub — September 2012 — 5 comments
