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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Question Order stuck in cart

Vote up! 0 Vote down! Hi, when a order is placed and the user goes through the checkout process, ...
Brian — April 2013 — Checkout

Discussion Commerce as a wholesale setup

users, but hide the "add to cart button" and the cart to anomonys users, so that only ... registreted users will be able to order? Does the system allow placing orders without any payment setup? We ...
Druplab — September 2011 — 2 comments

Question Facet Filter By Color- Change Product Display Node Image

product has multiple variations of different print/colors. The user needs to be able to filter products by ... Both filters work; however, when the user filters by a certain print or color, it correctly filters out ... Example: Product 1 has yellow and green variations. Product 2 has yellow and black variations. User Chooses ...
Djames24 — March 2014 — 1 comment — faceted search

Question Off site payment example

must be also simple post redirect trigger after checkout completion, if an user has chosen a offsite ...
Lesto09 — March 2013 — Payment

Question Modify price by height / width / color of a product.

color of a product? The width and height must be entered by the user through a form. The color is chosen ...
ces — March 2013 — Price, form, height, width, color

Discussion multiple prices per product

the sellprice. but how can i set which user role has which price?? does anybody have an idea for ...
maze — October 2011 — 6 comments

Discussion Commerce customer account interface

Hello everybody, I was wondering, how do you usually work when it comes to the end-user (eshop ... its usability. The generic drupal commerce feature will provide an interface to let a user see his ... orders, however when it comes to features provided by contrib module (ex.: order returns, commerce user ...
liupascal — February 2012 — 1 comment

Question how can i select SKU of product upon selection of class and subject terms?

of class(vocabulary) and subject (vocabulary)..i want a form where a user chooses class term and ...
nitvirus — August 2013 — sku, terms selection

Answer Answer to Question 13553

Vote up! 0 Vote down! Hello, I started on Drupal. I would like to create a page where the user ... selects some items which all has a price. Once the selection is made, the user adds the order to the cart. ... A price label that displays the real-time pricing of the user selection. If this selection is: cake type ...
romsVLM — April 2014

Question How to inlcude custom field on Customer profile into Commerce Order Confirmation Email But when customer receive the Order Confirmation Email, that custom field (phone number) not ...
sibiru — January 2014 — order confirmation email
