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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Question Integrating with my online bank account

a bank (with consent of bank) to do online viewing of bank my statement given the user code and security ... field (like views) where drupal can show the particular field value to the user. Thanks in advance. ...
titanR — August 2013 — online banking

Question Using tokens in checkout pane fields to populate defaults from Profile2 profile field

Vote up! 0 Vote down! I have main and secondary user profile types created with Profile2 I want to ... create an order fieldset in commerce containing fields from the secondary user profile data. I can create ...

Question How do I enable the Quantity field Widget on Add To Cart?

Vote up! 0 Vote down! How do I enable the Quantity field (so users can order say-5- of an item)? ... Referring to the above ...
suntower — October 2014 — add to cart, quantity

Discussion Proposals for a commerce booking system

and 12/04/2013, but only "Available" is showing for front users. That allow for example to ...
camdarley — June 2013 — 1 comment

Question Translation question: billing/shipping information and order total

information" that I cant find a way to translate. I suppose they are derived from the user profiles or ...
minoxes — February 2016 — translation question

Question Merging product and product display

I could not explain users why they need to enter one on back end and one on front end. Is there some way ...

Discussion Checkout should have the option of: log in, create account, or guest

ultimately, Commerce should have three ways to check out. Log in if they are already a registered user Create ...
MrPeanut — January 2013 — 2 comments — Accounts, checkout

Answer Answer to Question 8465

link to the edit profile page) in the my account page by implementing hook_user_view and/or ... hook_user_view alter. If you need it in a separate tab, you need to implement hook_menu ...
akosipax — June 2013

Discussion Manipulation customer profiles programmatically

we'll be using the user profile to build it programmatically. I've a addressfield on the User ...
Joel Wallis Jucá — October 2012 — 2 comments — Customer Profiles, order, Line Items

Answer Answer to Question 7258

Vote up! 1 Vote down! If by "credit" you mean "coupon", would Commerce Coupon work for your needs? ...
r — March 2013 — 1 comment
