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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Question Can I create a Commerce File from code and add to cart?

Vote up! 1 Vote down! My site allow users to upload file for processing and the system produce an ... output file that I want to add as commerce file product (unique for each user)from code. I can't ...
bakulaw — April 2013 — Cart, Downloads

Answer Answer to Question 5120

Vote up! 1 Vote down! This would be possible in Commerce. The trick would be adding a user entity ... checks that field's value. If the value doesn't match the user trying to view it, redirect ... them. Maybe add an "OR" that returns true if the user viewing the product display has a role ...
joshmiller Josh Miller — May 2013

Discussion Editable attributes in cart view?

Greetings! How would I go about placing editable attributes in the cart view? Once a users selects ... Shopping Cart (or cart view). How would I go about giving a user the ability to change that attribute from ... a new attribute then add to cart again? The goal is to allow a user to change their product attributes ...
dono1 — December 2012 — 2 comments — cart, Line Items, product attributes

Question Step 5, install profile crashes

Undefined index: delete terms in 11 in user_role_grant_permissions() (line 3032 of ... /homepages/9/d153489178/htdocs/Drupal/modules/user/user.module SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'module' cannot be null ... user_role_grant_permissions($rid, array $permissions = array()) {$modules = user_permission_get_modules(); // Grant new permissions ...
GrayRyder — February 2013 — Install, Troubleshooting

Documentation Adding images to variations and dealing with image styles

see this in a documentation user guide. But there are a lot of questions you will need to answer ...
joshmiller Josh Miller — December 2012 — Commerce Kickstart 7.x-2.x — Status: Incomplete

Answer Answer to Question 7310

user registration form. This form will contain the fields you need in order to have the user choose ... a predefined product line. After a user submits the form and after you have reviewed it you will accept the ... user. 2. Using rules, you will configure the user acceptance event to trigger an action that promotes ...
drupalability — August 2013

Documentation Payment transaction entity

User to just capture an amount on a credit card account. ...
Ryan Ryan Szrama — May 2012

Answer Answer to Question 31662

Vote up! 0 Vote down! thanks for the reply. it doesn't look like it'll allow users to ...
ben lamptey — December 2014

Question Split info contained in [commerce-order:commerce_customer_shipping]

about customer shipping user:- name- email- address If I use in the body fields ...
Scorpio26 Janhu — August 2016 — commerce shipping

Documentation Price Components

experience, so instead of just "Discount" a user might have visual feedback that they've ...
joshmiller Josh Miller — September 2012 — Drupal Commerce 7.x-1.x — Status: No Known Problems
