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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Discussion Adding a userid to a product

user uid ...
Malei — November 2012 — 1 comment — user, uid

Answer Answer to Question 7541

Vote up! 0 Vote down! Are you logged in? http://yourdomain/user/login ...
r — March 2013

Discussion add email address to customer profile display

Hey, i would like to show the email address on the order page in the backend. How can i achieve that? regards Volkan ...
muschpusch — October 2011 — 4 comments

Answer Answer to Question 6981

Vote up! 1 Vote down! User has found there own answer (see comment above) ...
joshmiller Josh Miller — April 2013

Question Create Rule to trigger an action for each status update of an order?

Vote up! 1 Vote down! I have requirement of assigning points to the user when he places an order. ... The points should be debited/credited to the user(order owner) based on the below condition. 1) The ... points should be credited to the user, when the user's order status changes to COMPLETED. 2) The ...
sathishdevan — March 2013 — order status

Blog Commerce Module Tuesday: Commerce Reporting

information. How hard would it be to make a view that takes this data and shows those products to users ...
joshmiller Josh Miller — September 2014 — 1 comment

Answer Answer to Question 43493

that automatically redirects users that visit cart to checkout/% ...
tjohnston Travis — December 2015

Discussion Allow choice of shipping or self-collecting

When user checkout, I need a way of presenting a form for the user to choose to collect the items ... themselves, or for us to ship out the items. If the user select to collect, then no shipping address is ... required and the user will be directed to make payment. If the user select shipping, then the shipping ...
binarycubes — March 2012 — 2 comments

Answer Answer to Question 12441

subscription type products. i create a product with License duration 1 hour. when an user by this product new ... role assign to that user useing License type(Role). but after 1 hour that license should revoked, means ... user role should revoked. but nothing happens after 1 hours. i also run cron manually. Please help to ...
Samit Khulve — November 2015

Discussion order permissions

Hi, I need to set permissions for role, and it should work like this:-user can see all orders-user ... can edit only order status on all orders-user can't delete or edit order (only edit order status ...
stef — April 2012 — 3 comments
