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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.
Drupal Commerce 1.6 Released

Blog Drupal Commerce 1.6 Released

includes dozens of small fixes, API additions, and features that will improve the user and developer ...
Ryan Ryan Szrama — April 2013 — 5 comments

Question Correct steps to develop an offline payment method

created a form at payment method submit_form to ask to the user some data, but the data of this form are ... submit_form to ask data to the user is a wrong approach?,or is better to ask to the user at the redirect form? ... or the user must fill the data in a custom place? or at checkout billing form? Thanks in advance. ...

Blog Approaching the first stable release of Commerce Kickstart v2

Commerce Guys) to receive feedback from developers and users starting new projects on Kickstart, as well as ... user-facing views such as the category / collections view. This is why we've replaced the old collections ... tweaks that illustrate the the relation of product displays and product variations, and point the user to ...
jsacksick Jonathan S — April 2013 — 2 comments

Discussion Summary of prices, and price handling

should support alteration through code, and user configurable rules, however it is not up to the price ... itself to handle user alteration because it is dependent on the implementation of the price. The entity ... sub systems, which will work together to provide the end user with all of the functionality needed to ...
mikejoconnor — February 2010 — 21 comments

Question Entity Reference Link Issue

the edit page, and as an anonymous user it will just show up as plain text. This happens across my ... *I am working with commerce kickstart 2.0 reference entity link link to content admin user ...
Contributor Spotlight: Josh Taylor

Blog Contributor Spotlight: Josh Taylor

constraints) to help make it the go-to eCommerce platform for users. How did you get involved with contributing ...
stephen Stephen Weinberg — December 2015

Question Product Display Access by Role

customer types are defined by user roles. So I have customers with roles ALPHA and BETA for example. I want ... the ability of users to view products by role? I must be missing something simple, I hope you can ... help. Thanks in Advance! Product Display content access user role ...

Blog DrupalCon Chicago Session Video

DrupalCon Chicago was quite a rush. It was the first Drupal event since we've hit a stable release of the Commerce modules, and the feedback from all directions was extremely positive. The video for my session, Drupal Commerce: Setting up shop on Dru ...
Ryan Ryan Szrama — September 2014 — 6 comments

Answer Answer to Question 44231

Vote up! 0 Vote down! Set FALSE at combine params: commerce_cart_product_add($user ...
Paulo Maia — March 2016
Commerce Boleto

Module Commerce Boleto

re-print the boleto by visiting their user page any time they want. The re-print option will be available ...
FranciscoLuz — August 2011 — 11 Installs
