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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Question Changing Account Registration Email

client's email. Thanks! Email User Settings ...
coxa11 — January 2016 — Email User Settings

Blog Upgrade paths between Drupal 8 module versions

Over time, modules update their shipped configuration such as rules, views, node types. Users ... the user. In most cases (such as the “updated view” one), we want to only perform the update if the ... configuration was not user-modified. The update operation is usually called a “revert” since it involves ...
mglaman Matt Glaman — April 2016 Redesign in Progress

Blog Redesign in Progress

coat of paint and revamped feature set to help build a better self-help and user support community on ... It was a bit naive to expect new users to be able to grasp the wide variety of concepts and ... user guide. This will of course be featured on the new and hopefully open the doors ...
Ryan Ryan Szrama — May 2012 — 9 comments

Blog Commerce 2.x Stories: Currencies

entities. An import form is provided that allows users to create currencies from library definitions. The ... user adds new languages to the site, Commerce will automatically import currency translations for those ... new languages as well. The import form, allowing users to select from a list of 157 active currencies ...
bojanz Bojan Zivanovic — November 2015 — 1 comment

Blog How to create a Drupal 8 Toolbar Icon

contextual.icons.css (line 9) #ffffff Toolbar Bar: Active user.icons.css (line 9) #787878 Toolbar Tray: Default ... #drupal-contribute, I looked at the user and shortcut module for an implementation use case. The following example is ... from the user module: /** * @file * Styling for the user module icons. */ /** * Toolbar tab icon. ...
joshmiller Josh Miller — December 2013 — 5 comments

Blog Commerce 2.x Stories- Internationalization

module: i18n. Many users don’t realize this and get very angry for “having to install a whole set of ... (digits after the decimal point, 2 for dollars). However, the list was incomplete, requiring users to ... about arabic digits. Same for bengali or devanagari (hindu) digits. Users also have a tendency to input ...
bojanz Bojan Zivanovic — November 2014 — 5 comments

Answer Answer to Question 12905

Vote up! 0 Vote down! Try this: ...
iangreant — August 2014
Demo Framework

Distribution Demo Framework

enable users to easily build flexible landing pages that contain content from multiple sources. Import ... (project page) The Import module contains base migration classes for Nodes, Users and Taxonomy. These ... imports. DF Engage Focused on user actions and segmentation, this Feature provides Organic Groups and uses ...
brantwynn — March 2013 — 8 Installs

Module Commerce Stock

control for specific products. Will do all in its power to prevent users from purchasing out of stock ... submit and review submit. A new checkout pane placed in the first step of checkout: stops the user from ... block adding to cart and display a message to the user display message only- allows adding to cart and ...
guy_schneerson guy_schneerson — April 2011 — 4962 Installs

Module Commerce Yotpo

Yotpo has made it easy for users to customize the service to fit both the look and feel of their online ... what level of trust to attach to each review. Increase SEO: Search engines love User Generate Content. ... We offer a dedicated minisite to each of our users, where we present all the reviews that a shop ...
dwkitchen dwkitchen — August 2013 — 9 Installs
