Commerce Webform

This module extends both commerce and webform. It allows the site owner to create webforms with a new product field. The productfield allows the listing of one or more products which the site user would then select from. When the form is submitted the products are added to the users shopping cart. The webform results page shows the submitted forms and intiially marks products as unpaid. Later, when the user has paid for the products in their basket, the webform submission is updated and all products that made it to the checkout are then marked as having been paid for.
The main use cases is for creating complex product selection screens. Webform is very good at capturing choices and offering options. The products that get added to an order can then be based on the results of the submission. An example would be a single webform which would offer registration to an event. All user choices could be captured in the webform, and product choices add to the shopping basket. For example, the main delegate attendance product is marked as mandatory on the webform meaning it has to be added to the basket. The optional wifi product could then be added as a second product field to the webform but not made mandatory. Alongside this the webform submission could collect other data about the delegate such as meal choices, seminar preferences or special access requirements.
This project is currently under development and welcomes suggestions and contributions in the issue queue.
To find out more, read this blog post and web cast:

Known issues

The 7.x-1.x branch of commerce webform was built to work with commerce 7.x-1.x branch and webform 7.x-3.x branch.
If you need the alpha 4.x branch of webform, please use the 2.x branch of commerce_webform.

Other modules

  • Commerce Email - for including additional information in any emails sent by the site.


This module was created and is maintained by Deeson Online
Inspiration for this has come from many places including: