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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Question Mirroring shopping-cart workflow in backoffice orders

treat backoffice orders as shopping cart orders, except you would be doing it for another user, and ...

Answer Answer to Question 8894

event that the user is able to find an Add to Cart button for the same product. Then you can disable the ... quantity textfield in the shopping cart form View so the user can't edit it, or you can do something ... already purchased). Additionally, you don't have any way while users remain anonymous to inspect the ...
Ryan Ryan Szrama — August 2013

Discussion Add a Delivery address

Hi I would like to add a seperate Delivery address to the checkout process, could someone point me in the correct direction with this please. Ultimatly I would like a check box below Billing address which says Use same address for delivery, then on untick ...
purplemonkey — August 2011 — 5 comments

Discussion State Sales Tax

What is the best way to calculate state sales tax assuming that unless the shipping state is common with where the shopping cart is, there should be no sales tax added to the order? To clarify: I live in Florida and unless the item is being shipped to Flo ...
paradiseprotech — April 2011 — 9 comments

Answer Answer to Question 10511

& $form_id) {    global $user;         //Gets the default product for the loaded Product Display. ...                 // If the logged-in users roll is NOT 'reseller' and product_access!= 0         ...         if (! array_intersect ($user-> roles, $roles_allowed_to_buy) && $product_access!= 1) ...
A.hjelm — October 2013

Discussion Displaying products

Hello, I am an advanced PHP/Web developer but am only just creating my first Drupal site. I feel like I've gotten a good start on using Drupal.. created my own basic theme etc. Now for the e-commerce side of my the site I am currently developing. I g ...
mikeken763 — August 2011 — 5 comments

Question Is DC useable for/adaptable to internal stock search and management

have a quote creation feature. It'd be sort of like using a cart but the user would select or ...

Discussion Snippet: How to modify text of add-to-cart product select (multiple products in display)

Say we are selling rugs, and there is a style "Dots" in 3x6, 4x5 and 2x8, and also colors Red, Blue and Green. That's a lot of rug Products, but thankfully we can group them in one "Dots" product display. However we named each rug ...
ransomweaver — July 2012 — 2 comments — hook_form_formid_alter, snippet, add to cart

Discussion Multi language

Hi, Is it possible to develop a eCommerce website with Drupal commerce in multilingual? does it support for multilingual or do we have to do anything else on this? Thanks ...
Nisus — August 2011 — 5 comments

Discussion Kickstart works fine now, right? And a question.

Hey, gang. I'm working on a Drupal Commerce course for, so you'll probably see me here fairly often for a while.:) I see the note at that: Due to our dependence on dev versions of various ot ...
Tom Geller — June 2011 — 16 comments
