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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Question Product Image´s Display Format in a view of product types with product variants

show some fields of the product display (content type)- e.g. title, description- let the user select ...
4kant — March 2014 — view of product displays

Answer Answer to Question 4369

necessary. To truly prototype this, we would need to know your site setup- for example, can the user ever ...
Ryan Ryan Szrama — April 2013 — 2 comments

Question Newbie Installation Issues

I have to use the following URL: (once you logout there's no login button ...
newsy — March 2014 — Troubleshooting

Discussion Setting up shipping (for dummies)

is setting up shipping really that tricky? As a footnote, a user's guide of sort that shows how ...
alessio — May 2011 — 15 comments

Discussion Product Order- How to add product option information to the order

I have tried several different configurations and the only suitable one seems to be using product options. It seems I have too many products to create individual products for 10 different attributes. Ended up with over 3 million products and my server did ...
Lowell — May 2013 — 4 comments

Answer Answer to Question 8387

just fine to add a product reference field to the user account and use the value of that field to ... the user account and manually populate it with your different shipping service options. Then use ...
Ryan Ryan Szrama — June 2013

Answer Answer to Question 8641

one of the step that says USER HAS ROLE (# 4 below), instead of that i think there is an option to ... step 2. 4. Lastly, add a new condition select User has role(s). From the data selector chose ... site:current-user. You can choose this by going to site:...(Site information) then choosing site: current-user ...
ariban99 — June 2013

Question Triyng yet AGAIN: Problems using Fusion Prosper Theme with KICKSTART 2- Help!?

want a robust search where users can click off various checkboxes or dropdowns to get filtered results, ...

Discussion Line item type should depend on product type, not content type

I apologize if this has already been suggested; the words involved are so generic that searching for them turns up too many results to go through. I'm having a conceptual hurdle with the way line item types are selected. I need to collect different k ...
Ben Stallings — November 2011 — 3 comments

Question Connectivity for Blog posts and Products

( However, I feel like that will not be possible. What I am looking to do is to connect users ...
Eric Shell — September 2013 — blog post, products, connect, Taxonomy, tags
