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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Discussion ckeditor/wysiwyg not working with kickstart

Hello, Installed ckeditor with ckeditor 4 and 3.6 but not showing up on any page. Searched on web and tried all possible solutions with no luck. Changed the settings under admin>ckeditor advanced profiles point to Commerce Order message. Still did not ...
mcyclegar — December 2012 — 9 comments

Discussion Dynamic price calculation- complex case

a product page, and clicks the "Buy" button. A popup window appears where the user is presented ... will result in a specific price (practically speaking we are talking 1800 combinations). Once the user ... shopping cart with the correct price based on the user selections... My questions:- Do you think this ...
svendecabooter — April 2011 — 8 comments

Question How can I prevent my clients from editing their invoices?

and hosting clients. The problem is, my test user ("test client") can change the quantity of ...
jhmoore — April 2013 — Cart, Invoice

Discussion Product price based on the selected options/line items- Price update before add to cart

price "live", so the user can see the price before he add the product to his car. Please can ...
paddes — May 2012 — 3 comments

Answer Answer to Question 8178 to not redirect the user to registration/login before checking out. Finally, you'd want to ...
Favio Manriquez — May 2013

Answer Answer to Question 4083

that if an admin is entering a registration/purchasing a product for another user, they can use the No ...
staceyb — May 2013

Answer Answer to Question 13421

set so user can audition or sample each track from the product page. i think this is a pretty standard ...
toptomato — March 2014

Discussion How Do I Make Custom Line Items Display in the Order View?

this: I've created a "product" that allows the user to make a simple donation (using the ...
carelessdonkey — March 2013 — 4 comments

Answer Answer to Question 7096

Vote up!-1 Vote down! In maxplus's comment, I clicked reply and typed in a large paragraph of contents and saved, but nothing appear...... so disappoint with drupal commerce. ...
harpsichord — February 2013 — 2 comments

Question Anonymous Checkin not working

checkout. I do have the permission checked to allow checkout access to the user. With it unchecked the add ...
swmdave — March 2013 — Login,
