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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Answer Answer to Question 3304

since the 'p' maps to 'print_r'. ". Use it in ...
UrmasZ — July 2012

Answer Answer to Question 7658

Vote up! 2 Vote down! You have a couple of options. First, I would do a quick search for "donation" Which might give this module: ...
joshmiller Josh Miller — April 2013 — 3 comments

Question Rules- Looping Line Item Quantity

in the loop. Similarly, on another product type, upon checkout I need to generate 3 nodes for each ...
dsinnet — October 2013 — 1 comment — Checkout Rules

Discussion Product variations all have same title?

I'm using Kickstart 2 and have created some variation types. I've added a product with four different variations. When I create each new variation under the variation's 'Variation title' it says 'Will be auto-generated when t ...

Answer Answer to Question 7920

Vote up! 2 Vote down! I think this is a CSS problem (if you add more text to a products's description just before an empty space, the layout will be partially fixed), you could try using a Grid Layout (View-> Format options), or define a fixed hei ...
Favio Manriquez — April 2013 — 1 comment

Discussion Views/Product Display to Anonymous Users?

I have created a view that displays multiple products, with quantity fields and one Add To Cart button. It works great except I can't figure-out how to get it to display to Anonymous users. It seems that only myself as Admin User #1 can see the View. ...
Jeff Purtle — March 2012 — 4 comments

Discussion Vat/Shipping

Has anyone tried the shipping flat rate module, I have found that the delivery/shipping amount is not being added into the subtotal of the order before the Vat is calculated. This is what I am getting Item cost 30.66 inc vat Sub Total 25.55 Shipping 5.99 ...
remus1 — June 2011 — 1 comment

Discussion Commerce Pickup

the future, if there's ever a "Store" entity, you could use that), and then all nodes ...
m.stenta — February 2013 — 2 comments

Discussion How do I know the language in which an order was placed?

I have a multilingual site and i have performed the following tests: (1) with an anonymous user, place an order entirely en English and the email [email protected] (2) with an anonymous user, place an order entirely in French and the email [email protected] Drupa ...
Albert Albala — November 2013 — 2 comments

Answer Answer to Question 5263

database consists out of two ingredients- nodes and related content (pages, products etc)- configuration ... soon as my development cycle is over I have: 1 An production environment with NEW:nodes and related ... with NEW:configuration settings and OLD: nodes and related content In my case all the changes where ...
Sem — January 2013
