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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Discussion How to translate "Order total" from checkout?

Hi I have question. Maybe sounds idiot, but I can not do. How to translate words "Order total" from checkout? Screen Of course I tried to translate with drupal translator, I looking in ...
nawi — March 2012 — 7 comments

Discussion Cataloging Product or Product Display?

used in place of the Product Display Node. Recently, I came across a great tutorial by Ryan on Drupal ...
foredoc — June 2014 — 1 comment

Answer Answer to Question 9735

reference field for the Node you want to link. When configuring it, make sure to tick the box "Include ... storyline nodes to the "Add to Cart" form. I think that was the easy part.:D The next part, which ...
Favio Manriquez — September 2013 — 1 comment

Answer Answer to Question 7718

center point to relate products. I would tend to relate them by creating a product display node which ...
bohemier — April 2013 — 1 comment

Discussion Difference Between Taxonomy based Catalog and Product Type

Hi, This is a duplicate from, since I am not sure where is best ...
foredoc — June 2014 — 1 comment

Discussion Stock won't display for Anonymous Users

I'm trying to build an ad-hoc ticket purchasing system whereby we sell tables of seats. Each table has 8 seats, so I created a product with 8 stock. On my display page, I have a graphical representation for the table with (what should be) the number ...
crooker — December 2013 — 5 comments

Discussion thinking of adding embedded video into some product items

I would be interested to read if anyone as done this, if so how did you do it? It would not be something I would want for all items, but it would be fun to perk up some items in this manner. ...
domineaux — February 2013 — 22 comments

Discussion Views and Product Displays

I have several views set up using product displays with the referenced products, no problem there. I need to set up a new view using product displays referencing multiple products now. I get a separate entry for each referenced product in the view. I have ...
bhans — November 2012 — 2 comments — views, product reference, multiple products

Answer Answer to Question 7617

Display's (Node, not Product Entity) product reference field so that it uses your new custom line item type ...
joshmiller Josh Miller — April 2013

Answer Answer to Question 3928

the product node. I have kickstart 7.x-3.1 Modules I used: ... file and click import.) Then setup a second importer: Product Node Import Processor > Node processor ... Node processor settings Set: Content Display to "Product Display" Now use the following ...
Squidlings — April 2013
