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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Answer Answer to Question 10101

following code <?php $node        =     node_load (arg (1)); $product_id    =     $node ... ['target_id'];       $node_blog =  node_load ($blog_id);         $blog_img  = theme_image_style ... (array('path' => $node_blog-> field_blog_entry_image ['und']['0']['uri'], ...
ajaichandran — September 2013

Answer Answer to Question 37291

Vote up! 0 Vote down! Hi Johnnie, It limits the type of product that the display node will let you ...
DNZ Andy @ BlueFusion — June 2015

Answer Answer to Question 3167

complete documentation. What you'll do is build a query of nodes that looks for any node whose product ... reference field points to your product's ID. If you know your node types, you can bake those into your ... field_product and your display node type is product_display. I'll use these in the code snippet below and ...
Ryan Ryan Szrama — April 2013

Answer Answer to Question 8749

product variation import, followed by the product node import. 2. I delete the imported product nodes ... after running the delete for my product nodes, a message displays "There are no Commerce Products ... import. A message displays, "Created 1000 commerce products.' 4. I run my product node import. ...
Thomas Isabelle — July 2013

Answer Answer to Question 8726

it's not an issue I've seen. Try creating a node and assigning it to that same user, as we use the ... same process the node form uses to match users to orders. Just to be sure, I ran a test creating an ...
Ryan Ryan Szrama — July 2013

Answer Answer to Question 16036

/admin/commerce/products/add-bulk/drinks I was able to generate 13 products, but the "display node" option failed to bring in any ... available node types. So, the answer is: Commerce Bulk Product Creation supports Commerce Kickstart 2 for ... creating products, but likely has some bugs in regards to creating node displays. Still, this could easily ...
joshmiller Josh Miller — September 2014

Question Product Variation, Product Display Understanding

it an entity? Is it a node?- What is the relationship to "Product Display?-What is ... a "Product Display?" is it an entity? is it a node? What is the relationship to "Product ...

Discussion Purchasing content field level access question?

and Node access. However would I go about the process of doing a Content Field access purchase? ... Example, unauthorized visitor / user stops by the site and sees a Node with some content fields with ... on the same node. Eg. using Field Access module. Basic I know, but for us beginners it's still ...
hotmonkey — March 2011 — 3 comments

Discussion unique products with no variations never > 1- where to with fields??

a bit of research and always found:- If field for all variations, then display node.- If field for ... the node? What's the difference in this case between adding the fields into display node or ...
AlphaGrowl — November 2012 — 2 comments — Product Variations, product display

Answer Answer to Question 20019

items and product displays (nodes), but in my case I have multiple product items per display node. If ...
Alan Cocks — October 2014 — 1 comment
