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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Discussion pay in installments or payment plan

Hi, Does anyone have any idea how to setup a way for customers to pay in several installments? I'm not looking for a "subscription" system, just the ability to divide the amount due into monthly installments. This type of payment system wor ...
bradtimm — August 2011 — 2 comments

Discussion Product variation selection- ajax reload and the $content variable issue

I am struggling with a customized node template for a Commerc Kickstart product display (which includes a number of variations). To display the page as I want, I am using various elements of $content, using render($content)[#####]. This all works find, ex ...
mikeaja — October 2014 — 1 comment

Question Add role on checkout if cart contains certain products

Vote up! 0 Vote down! I need to add a role to a user if they have a specific category of products within their cart. I have gotten the rule to work when they have one of these products in their cart, but it seems to break when there are multiple products ...
Threadsniper — August 2012 — 1 comment — Rules

Discussion Billing Information and Payment ( both on checkout pane

I am collecting billing address information and cc information on the same pane (checkout pane), and then on the review your order pane, users can see their billing information and using (card on file) the last 4 digits of the credit card they entered. Ho ...
rbaron — March 2014 — 1 comment —, checkout

Answer Answer to Question 12541

Vote up! 1 Vote down! Interesting challenge. I just set a demo product in kickstart 2 as "disabled" and the product shows up in both administrative listings. So, for your catalog to show disabled products it should "just work" since th ...
joshmiller Josh Miller — December 2013 — 1 comment

Discussion Is there a way to sell users the ability to create/post nodes (ex. classifieds)?

Hi. I am currently working on a classifieds D7 site, and I would like to sell users the ability to create/post a classified ad. With D6 + Ubercart this can be done using the UC Node Checkout module (, and followi ...
paulwedge — July 2011 — 4 comments

Question date format in mysql

Vote up! 0 Vote down! Hi all, I'm reading commerce_order using sql- and find that the 'created' date is simply stored as an int(11)- like this: 1346058279. Obviously there is a way to 'normalize' this- but how? Like- when I'd ...
drupal_kid — August 2012 — 1 comment — date data format

Question Applying a coupon when a specific shipping has been selected

Vote up! 0 Vote down! I am working with drupal commerce kickstart and I need to apply a coupon discount for the order once a shipping has been selected. I've been struggling with rules but can't figure out how to do it. Thanks in advance commerc ...
adriaav — November 2013 — 1 comment — commerce, commerce shipping, commerce coupons

Discussion Field line_item in cart summary.

Hi everybody! I have a custom field created in line item. The question is: How can I calculate the sum of this field? Using rules, of course. And the result of this sum put it in the summary cart. Thank for your help! Yatiri. ...
yatiri — February 2012 — 2 comments

Discussion Load line item's prices in an array

Let me know if I'm posting in the wrong place. I searched and tried a lot of things but didn't find anything yet. I need to load each line item's price present in the current user cart in an array. Then I want to sort the values from lowest ...
evanasse — May 2013 — 1 comment
