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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.
Discussion drupalcommerce as product catalog
Hello, I'm new to drupal commerce. I need to do something particular. I'm developing a new site for a company. They want to show their products in a catalog with the future possibility to transform it in an online shop. So I would like to build ...
brex — November 2013 — 3 comments
Discussion Perform a payment after hanling the checkout process
Hello, Is there any way this is possible. I would like to sell services, where it is not certain if people will be free to provide the service. e.g. somebody buys a plumber service, but only if we have an available plumber the service will happen. Basical ...
Question One Company Account, multiple logins
Vote up! 0 Vote down! Hi Guys, Just looking at devolving our new company website. I thought that Drupal commerce would be the best option. I am just looking at the different functions i require and one of them being this. I have tried a few approach with ...
Discussion Taxonomy Term by page (Show All)- Error Undefined Index only on Kickstart
Hello I have 8 pages of terms and I have terms on the 3rd page that I want to bring to first page. Not possible without this hack of showing them all on one page by setting the limit way too high. I use this hack (value on Line 262 of ...
jackdaniel9 — February 2014 — 2 comments
Answer Answer to Question 20019
Vote up! 0 Vote down! You should be able to go to the Product Display (node) Display Settings and hide the Product reference field and hide any of the injected product attribute fields that you wouldn't want displayed. Josh ...

Discussion Amazon Fulfillment
hello i am trying to find out if drupal commerce can be intergrated with FBA "Amazon Fulfillment Web Service (Amazon FWS) allows merchants to access's world-class fulfillment capabilities through a simple web services interface. Merch ...
sebra — February 2014 — 2 comments
Discussion Login Redirection
I have searched for documentation on how to change the user login redirection from "user info", and have not found a solution for Commerce KickStart 2. Has anyone successfully change the page redirect after "user Login"? Any Links to d ...
Discussion Commerce services url to filter orders
Hello. I would like to retrive, with commerce services, the orders that are in pending status. I use GET but the problem is with the url. I don't know how to use "filter" param with the query "status"="pending". Could so ...
Jorge SB — April 2015 — 1 comment
Question export shipping info into csv?
Vote up! 0 Vote down! Is there a way to export order shipping information into a CSV? all I need it to do is export the order ID, name, address 1 & 2, city, state, zip, country and user email all in different columns. I can get views to display all th ...
Question Order Approval
Vote up! 0 Vote down! Hi everyone, I've seen several posts on implementing an Order:Awaiting Approval state in the checkout process, but I haven't found any solutions yet. I'm trying to do this by using rules, but I can't figure out a ...