
Taxonomy Term by page (Show All) - Error Undefined Index only on Kickstart


I have 8 pages of terms and I have terms on the 3rd page that I want to bring to first page. Not possible without this hack of showing them all on one page by setting the limit way too high.

I use this hack (value on Line 262 of taxonomy.admin.inc) :


I have this error when i use this hack only on Commerce Kickstart ...no problem with fresh drupal install (no commerce):

Notice : Undefined index: tid:27:0 dans taxonomy_overview_terms() (ligne 352 dans /home/cafe/public_html/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.admin.inc).
Notice : Undefined index: tid:30:0 dans taxonomy_overview_terms() (ligne 352 dans /home/cafe/public_html/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.admin.inc).
Notice : Undefined index: tid:211:0 dans taxonomy_overview_terms() (ligne 352 dans /home/cafe/public_html/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.admin.inc).
Notice : Undefined index: tid:319:0 dans taxonomy_overview_terms() (ligne 352 dans /home/cafe/public_html/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.admin.inc).
Notice : Undefined index: tid:167:0 dans taxonomy_overview_terms() (ligne 352 dans /home/cafe/public_html/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.admin.inc).

If you want to reproduce this error...use Devel Generate to generate 300 term in vocabularies and change the term by page to 1000 (value on Line 262 of taxonomy.admin.inc) try to move and save ..this error appears.

Sorry for my bad english

Help me

Please i need help from the kickstart community

“The beacons of Gondor are alight, calling for aid. War is kindled.“

Posted: Feb 27, 2014


Dominique K on April 15, 2014

I've been experiencing the same error on a regular drupal installation(not kickstart) with more than 250 terms in a particular vocabulary.
I had to reduce the page size for it to dissapear.