Vary shipping tax based on the tax of products in order
In Europe (or at least in Sweden) your shipping tax should be the same as the highest tax rate of the items in your order.
Ex. 1
I order 1 item with 6% tax then i should apply 6% tax to my shipping.
Ex 2.
I order 1 item with 6% tax and 1 item with 25% tax i should apply 25% tax to my shipping.
Is this possible to solve with Rules? I can't find a way to loop through my cart products and get the tax value.
possible to separate the shipping tax and showed in the tax total line of the order
when shipping service is flat rate 8 euro (none vat) , the vat amt of 1.52 goes to total tax line , show 8 as shipping and not 9.52 on shipping line.
can this be a simple rule
when shipping service is flat8
then add 1.52 to tax total.
But how? Or it is not as simple!