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Search API using Views with Fields instead of Rendered entity

This question was asked before and was not answered so I am bringing it up again in the event any progress has been made since the original post about a year ago. KC used a rendered entity to display the product details. However, I want to use Fields for a number of reasons. Anyway, It seems I can get all of the product information except images. I have included a field_product relationship as well and still can't get images to be displayed by the view. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks. Kevin

Asked by: drupalability
on January 29, 2014


I've just run into the same thing. On my CK install it seems that nothing is available from product variants when using fields - are you able to access other variant fields?

Will post back if I come across a solution...

- Andy @ BlueFusion on February 4, 2014

I notice that it works fine with Commerce Kickstart. But it does not work with Commerce module by itself. So I guess CK is adding a module or something is configured differently. If you create a relationship with indexed node field_product and then add the field product_image it will display the images in Kickstart but not just Commerce. I guess I have no choice to go through all of the modules and configurations in Kickstart to try to find where the issue is. I will let you know what I find. Please do the same if you get it figured out too. Cheers Kevin

- drupalability on February 7, 2014

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I notice that price field does not display data either. Is that the same for you DNZ?

Answer by: drupalability
Posted: Feb 7, 2014
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Spent a little time on this today - seems I modified the search on the CK install I was working on and could no longer access variant details. Reverted it and things got a bit better.

I can get to the name of the image, but not a styled/rendered version - would have to do that through theming. You seem to be able to get a rendered & styled image from a variant? Currently I can only get rendered images that belong to the node, I've tried the relationship with indexed node field_product and it made no difference.

I can get to the pricing of the first variant: Product » Price: Amount (decimal) (indexed) (Amount (decimal) (indexed)). I believe this is related to the "Search API ranges (Min): field_product_commerce_price_amount_decimal_as" in the search index at admin/config/search/search_api/index/product_display/fields

You any further along?

Andy @ BlueFusion
Posted: Feb 12, 2014



No solution yet on my side. I am guessing this is a bug in search API or commerce search API. I have opened an issue but have not had a response yet. Perhaps you can go there and comment that you are experiencing same problem. Hopefully others with same issue will escalate the issue priority. Here they are https://drupal.org/node/2193771 and https://drupal.org/node/2193767. Please make some noise there as well. Cheers. Kevin

- drupalability on February 14, 2014
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Many thanks for posting back! Looks like entity version 1.3 is in Kickstart at the moment, good to know how to work around that.

Andy @ BlueFusion
Posted: Apr 13, 2014