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Programatically create a product type with variations

I am looking to create a product type programatically. I have an image, a couple of field types that I have created and product variation associated with the product.

For eg. I have an item called socks, 1 Image, a few field types such as its height, width and product variations that include color, sell price, cost price, sku (both auto/self generated)

Asked by: vishy_singhal
on January 24, 2013


Can you share how you accomplished this?


- jonaskills on January 8, 2014

2 Answers

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I guess the community here is super slow. I managed to solve the problem.

Answer by: vishy_singhal
Posted: Jan 26, 2013


Perhaps you could share your findings? I am also interested in this.

- 7wonders on January 28, 2013

We're mostly dependent on everyone's help where this is concerned. Would love for you to share how you made this happen.

- Josh Miller on January 28, 2013
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can you please help me with your findings!

Errold Lalta
Answer by: Errold Lalta
Posted: Nov 3, 2015