Problem creating new product types
Hi - I'm running Commerce version 7.x-1.3 on Drupal 7.14 (in case it's relevant, I also have the Product Display Manager (7.x-1.0-alpha3) installed). After not needing to create a new product type for several weeks, I had the occasion to do so recently and discovered that new product types now appear to be created in some sort of limbo state: I see them in the list of product types (, but without any of the operational links available, so I can't edit, manage fields/display, or delete these new product types from the UI.
I found this issue: #1190422 Adding a product type doesnt allow me to change/add fields, which seems similar, but unfortunately none of the workarounds for that issue work for me. And I found nothing similar on
Anybody else run into this - or, better yet, know how to fix it?
Thanks in advance!
I am runnig in the same problem. Could you give some details about the patch that caused the issue?