No suggestions in Data Selector (Rules)
Hi all,
following this guide to display alternative prices for certain roles: http://jamestombs.co.uk/2012-09-14/drupal-commerce-different-prices-diff...
But for some reason I don't get any suggestions or dropdown in the Data Selector field.
Any ideas?
It's a d7 commerce site, all modules is the latest versions
I'm using a Zen subtheme for frontend and Seven for admin pages. jQuery Update is set to 1.8 as default and 1.5 for administrative pages. I'm not using panels. What would you recommend?
I would disable Jquery update, clear cache, do your rules work, then re-enable jquery update.
Thanks. It kinda worked. With 1.7 as admin version. Note that it didn't work with google as CDN. Using local or jQuery works.