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Millions of Personal (Vanity) Number Plates

Hoping someone can point me in the right direction.

Drupal Commerce looks excellent - My question is that there are over 30 million plates available from the DVLA (UK government body).

I need a fuzzy type search for customers to find a near match to their initials/name/hobby/business etc etc.

What would be the best way forward? Create the 30+ million plates as products or is it possible for the users to search the plates database and then create a product on the fly?

I am looking to create this in the next six weeks and it's on a commercial basis.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Asked by: wokka
on March 22, 2014

1 Answer

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Holding 30m+ products in the store is definitely not the way to go. I would code this as a module and create the orders programmatically (commerce_order_new, etc.) with one product in the store of 'Personalised number plate'. In this way you will have far more control over the creation of personalised plates.

Mike Kovacevich
Answer by: Mike Kovacevich
Posted: Apr 28, 2015