How to make custom Product Display look like CommerceKickstart theme?
I'm trying to learn how to theme my site. I thought the modifications I wanted to make are simple. Change a few image sizes, the number of products displayed on the category/catalog page etc.
So, I tried to modify the Commerce Kickstart theme by creating a sub-theme and I cannot get the Product Display page looking the same. The "add to cart" area is shifted below the image gallery and large product image. When my screen size is normal and wide, the image gallery is displayed horizontally and the large image is shifted to the right of the screen. Things seem to work when I adjust the screen size to the "narrow" and smaller.
I thought this was a css thing? Something to do with the "responsive" settings for the Omega theme? Maybe the .tpl file? I decided the best strategy would be to duplicate the commerce_kickstart_theme folder and rename it "mytheme" in the sites/all/themes folder. After seeing several other Q&A I changed everything with names or phrases commerce_kickstart_theme to "mytheme" including .css .js .info and all. Nothing changes my Product Display. I'm really stuck. What am I missing? Can someone please help me pinpoint what setting I'm missing?
Thank You.