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How do I keep all products of a type from displaying in the cart?

As outlined at http://www.drupalcommerce.org/user-guide/modifying-shopping-cart-using-v..., I've added a views relationship to the cart so I can display additional information - i.e. an image and a title. Now when I add a product to the cart, all product display nodes that of that product type are added to the cart. By adding one product, I instead get three. When I remove one of them from the cart, all three of them are removed.

How do I make the cart show only the specific product added instead of all of them?

Asked by: bpeicher
on October 3, 2012

2 Answers

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Just to clarify, I have 3 product display nodes that relate to the same product (book). Each display node has a unique title and image which are used to identify what the customer is actually purchasing. I've structured this way because I need each book to be its own node, they are all the same price, and I have WAY too many to create one display and one product for each.


-Product Display Node-

I need the image and title to be placed into the cart so the customer and eventually the store manager can determine which book was purchased. I have created the relationships to display the title and image in the cart, but now instead of showing only what I've added to the cart, it is showing every single book related to that product. When I remove one, they all disappear.

Any ideas? Hope that makes sense...

Answer by: bpeicher
Posted: Oct 4, 2012
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It doesn't look like there is any activity in this Q&A section so I'm going to start a discussion.

Answer by: bpeicher
Posted: Oct 4, 2012