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How to create a theme for Commerce Kickstart 2?

Thank you for making such a great product!

I am still a newbie - took a few classes in D5 and D6, tinker here and there, so apologies for the question...

What is the best way(best practice) to take the kickstart and start personalizing it for my own site?

is it to make a subtheme and modify that? is it to make a copy of the omega_kickstart and toy with that?

If you have a suggested article or link I should read, I'm happy to do my homework :)


Asked by: websteria
on August 5, 2013

1 Answer

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Welcome! Excellent question. I highly recommend having Drupal Commerce installed as two different sites. I would install it once as a Demo store and have another setup with the bare minimum of what you need. If you are creating a shop that is selling physical goods, then that would be a Kickstart 2 as a "no demo" install. If you are selling physical products or access to content, then you would need Kickstart 1 (bare minimum for Commerce to run) and the commerce_file.

Once you've got an install with the bare minimum of what you need, then I would sub-theme a starter theme of your choice. if you're using kickstart 2, then omega_kickstart would be a good one to copy and sub-theme. Otherwise, any starter theme would work well for you.

Is there a single place to look at? Not really. There are user guides and there is a "getting started" guide.

Good luck! Check back in with more specific questions once you get started.

Josh Miller
Answer by: Josh Miller
Posted: Aug 7, 2013
