How can I add a third, fourth (or even more) AdPush blocks?
I want to display more than two AdPush blocks.
I have added the necessary regions to the omega_kickstart template but I can't find where those AdPush blocks are created.
Im fairly new to drupal commerce but I have setup an online store using CK2 without the demo store. I tried adding a third as push block as you described above but when I click 'clone second as push block', it seems to make the same content appear in the third block as the second. I have 3 different ad push blocks setup in the content section. Please advise.
Hi any luck fixing this? I'm having the same issue and have tried editing everything I can think of.
Is it safe to say this was never figured out? I am trying to do the same.
Hai mrackham,
When we copy the number of block.. It is copying the total properties of the copied block..I think you understand what i'm going to explain you...I tried like that..When i placed Third or Fourth Adpush blocks in to the Postscript First or Second...The First Adpush block image also same as Third Adpush block..I want to differentiate Both of them ..
Is it possible like that...?
If it is possible, Please explain me clearly..I'm facing a big problem with that.. :(
Thank you,
Go to Site settings->Visual & Layout -> Views. You will see the View for Ad push blocks. Click on Edit for this View. Clone the Second ad push block. Be sure to:
change the name to Third ad push block
set the Pager to 1 item, skip 2
save changes
Go to Site settings->Visual & Layout -> Blocks and add the Third ad push block to the Postscript Third Region and click Save blocks.
Reload your page and the block should be visible on the front page.