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How to add existing product variations to a new product display?

I am using Commerce Kickstart.

My client will be adding new product variations (SKU, price, title, VAT) in his separate database which he uses for billing customers in a physical shop.

The system I am setting up will be synchronising products between webstore and a database, mentioned before.

When new "products" (i.e. product variations) will be added, new Product (variations) will be created in webstore.

When he chooses to put this newly created (synchronised) products (variations) online, he should be able to create new product display (or existing one), then add existing (synchronised) variations to this display, to later equip them with photos and some other attributes.

I have tried to add another product reference field to the display with option to select among existing products, which somewhat works, but the problem is with displaying product with two "product reference" fields.

What I would like is to be able to add new variation as it exists in default settings with an option within that same reference field to add another one.

I hope I was clear enough about what my problem is.

Asked by: Aambro
on July 8, 2013

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I'm not sure I follow, but if I do: have you looked into Feeds Import? I'm using Feeds with Tamper to import CSVs or the products. I created SKU, Product Title, etc in the sheet and set up the importers to bring in the SKUs (and used Product Variation as a vocab since I needed that as my attribute for the add to cart form). I had to play around and make sure the node importer used the product title as a unique value and that all values added to the Content Type (not Product Variation Type) are the same on each line of my sheet. That way it creates a node and product (variation) at each import. The Product Variations remain unique so they are indeed variations; the node import is then identical for each of the variations.

I hope that's remotely clear and possibly helpful.

The end process would be the owner would use an importer to bring in a CSV for each product type (or switch it all to one type, as I had to do... I hope there's a way around this someday). Actually, two importers for each type: product and node. However, and this is huge, I have yet to find a decent way to import images. I'm currently doing those manually so I do do the seemingly countless problems related to these.

To be frank, I'm less than happy with the product import handling. Half my time had been finding ways to do what seems like it would be obvious.

Hope this helps you in some way.

Answer by: abiconsulting
Posted: Jul 10, 2013