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Does 'commerce_line_item_field_widget_form' on orders page ignore pricing rules?

I've been developing and altering the code in the the line_item module and have a custom line item view (for lack of better words) on the orders page to meet my needs. I have added rules to the site that state to add an extra amount to the base price amount based on the value of a field. However the base amount appears to be untouched. Is this a bug or does the commerce_line_item_field_widget_form simply ignore rules?

Edit: Wanted to add that the event I'm using is "Calculating the sell price of a product" Should it instead be "After updating an Order"? and if so, how do I get my custom field I have in the line item appear to be one used in the rules?

Asked by: makawak
on March 13, 2013

1 Answer

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I have a similar problem too. Using Calculating the sell price of a product seem to update the product price by the order total still uses the original price.

Answer by: dottodotdesign
Posted: Apr 15, 2013