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Change sort of Variations

Hi, i didn't find the answer on google, drupal or drupalcommerce.

Thats my question: I have a product display with 6 Variations (products) and i user Inline entity form. I sort it in the backend:

6 Monate (68cm)
12 Monate (80cm)
2 Jahre (92cm)
3 Jahre (98cm)
4 Jahre (104cm)

But in the Frontend select list it always looks like this:

12 Monate (80cm)
2 Jahre (92cm)
3 Jahre (98cm)
4 Jahre (104cm)
6 Monate (68cm)

How can i change the sort?

Thank you, Tobi

Asked by: das-schaf
on March 4, 2014

1 Answer

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The sorting should translate to the customized order of products. Confirm that when you are sorting the products in the backend that you click "save" to save the new order. Also confirm that if you login using a different browser that the "custom" order has been saved on the backend. If the backend is saving the custom order, then you might have a genuine bug (very unlikely).


Josh Miller
Answer by: Josh Miller
Posted: Mar 5, 2014


If the backend is saving the order, a way to see if it's Inline Entity Form acting up: Change the widget on the Product Display to a simple "Product Reference" field and change the order using SKUs...

For example: PROD-1, PROD-3, PROD-2 could be arranged like this: PROD-3, PROD-1, PROD-2 ... just reference them in the order that you want to be first, second, third, etc.

- Josh Miller on March 5, 2014