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artist/brand as both text field and categories?

i'm building a site for an art gallery which sells numerous paintings from numerous artists. i'm new to drupal and drupal commerce, so i'm using kickstart 2.

it requires not only to show off the paintings but also artists, paintings should link to its artist and vice versa.

the artist's page should include all of his paintings.

Artists is very similar with brands in kickstart demo, but the number of artists is on a different scale. if i create a category called Artists, there will be too many for manually adding. not mentioning finding them in the list while adding new painting.

what i'm thinking is for the site editor to type in artist name while adding new product and automatically assign the product to that artist in the category. if the name is a new one, it is automatically added to the artist category.

am I thinking right? is there a way to do this? or is there a better way?

Asked by: castcrus
on September 30, 2013

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it's been a week , anyone ?

Answer by: castcrus
Posted: Oct 7, 2013


Looking for the same functionality.
Trying to add the new artist automatically in a category would be gr8 approach.

But, I need the following
01. Painting [Product Display]
- Product display with product data (& add to cart of-course...!!)
- Taxonomy terms for painting's theme [say - landscape, abstract, floral, etc.]
- Link back to the paintings' artist's page.

02. Artist Page
- Includes artist Info
- Includes all the paintings belonging to that particular artist. (where clicking on a particular painting takes back to the product display - add to cart)

Now I tried finding a lot of this in drupal online groups (d.org & dc.org) but could not get anything exactly needed for my case.

But after coming across the below article, I think, this might just work.

Where the solution would be to use different content types for a artists & paintings.

Not sure, if this is the approach you somewhat seek or this being a void option to you.

Coz, with respect to the commerce store that I will create there will be a single person [or basically 2-4 people with admin rights] managing the adding of the content [artists & paintings]. So adding the content-type for the artist would be a better option.

To manage the long list of artist, will have to build a custom list of all the artists as well.
Using the glossary view (or editing as per need) will be the last piece of puzzle it seems.


Hope, this helps u as well.

I am a beginner in a way & dont know anyhting about PHP..
I dont like to hack into any drupal modules. I just play around with themes (css) & panels or theme regions though.

Big fan of views. (Creating views blocks & then using permissions & block-visibility on site-wide pages to effiency) :) :D :)

- aniket.mohite88 on October 13, 2013
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Looking for the same functionality.
Trying to add the new artist automatically in a category would be gr8 approach.

But, I need the following
01. Painting [Product Display]
- Product display with product data (& add to cart of-course...!!)
- Taxonomy terms for painting's theme [say - landscape, abstract, floral, etc.]
- Link back to the paintings' artist's page.

02. Artist Page
- Includes artist Info
- Includes all the paintings belonging to that particular artist. (where clicking on a particular painting takes back to the product display - add to cart)

Now I tried finding a lot of this in drupal online groups (d.org & dc.org) but could not get anything exactly needed for my case.

But after coming across the below article, I think, this might just work.

Where the solution would be to use different content types for a artists & paintings.

Not sure, if this is the approach you somewhat seek or this being a void option to you.

Coz, with respect to the commerce store that I will create there will be a single person [or basically 2-4 people with admin rights] managing the adding of the content [artists & paintings]. So adding the content-type for the artist would be a better option.

To manage the long list of artist, will have to build a custom list of all the artists as well.
Using the glossary view (or editing as per need) will be the last piece of puzzle it seems.


Hope, this helps u as well.

I am a beginner in a way & dont know anyhting about PHP..
I dont like to hack into any drupal modules. I just play around with themes (css) & panels or theme regions though.

Big fan of views. (Creating views blocks & then using permissions & block-visibility on site-wide pages to effiency) :) :D :)

Answer by: aniket.mohite88
Posted: Oct 13, 2013