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Alter commerce views footer;


I'd like to alter 2 views ouput from Commerce :

1/ In the _Shopping cart block_, there is a line item summary in the footer : I currently use commerce_price_components module to display tax exclusive prices, and i would like the line item summary total to be calculated without taxes as well. How can I alter the calculation / value of this field ?

2/ In the _Shopping cart summary_, there is a Order total in the footer : the current lines displayed are :
Sub-total 200,00 €
VAT 19.6% 40,67 €
Shipping 7,51 €
Order total 248,18 €

I would like the following ouput
Sub-total 200,00 €
Shipping 7,51 €
VAT 19.6% 40,67 €
Order total 248,18 €


Sub-total 200,00 €
VAT 19.6% 39,20 € (which is the sub total VAT amount)
Shipping VAT included 8,98 € (which is the shipping price VAT included)
Order total 248,18 €

How can I alter this output ?

Many thanks

Asked by: liupascal
on July 16, 2012

1 Answer

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I also need a functionality like this, have you implemented it?

Please guide me also


Answer by: arun_ms
Posted: Jul 30, 2012


You could use hook_commerce_price_formatted_components_alter(&$components, $price, $entity), to change the weight property of each component in $components

- devline on August 16, 2012