Finding the source of generated html code
Anyone have any idea on the best way to see what module is generating what html source code? For example, I'd like to add Lightbox2 to an anchor tag that is produced by going to Store>Products and creating a product but I can't find the file where this html is generated. So, while my question is based on finding the answer for this scenario, in a more general sense, I'm wondering if there is a way to find out where given html comes from.
Thanks and I apologize if this has been covered elsewhere (I looked but could find nothing on this).
New to Drupal
Hey Fretwizz,
I was currious about your issue, so I installed LightBox2 on a base commerce kickstart installation. I updated the display format as I described previously (there are a ton of options for lightbox). Here is an example . Clicking the image opens a lightbox, are you trying to accomplish something else?
Hey SC,
I installed LightBox2 and updated the display format as I suggested in my answer and it worked. There are a lot of options added to the display format once LightBox is installed. Here is a demo: . Is that what your trying to accomplish or something else?