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Adding SKU to size select

im using drupal kickstarter 2.5 and i want to somehow add the sku to the size select that is automaticly crated by the "Enable this field to function as an attribute field on Add to Cart forms."
i want the option to be something like:
<option value='[val]' product-sku='[sku]>[Value]</option>'
<option value='[val]' product-sku='[sku]>[Value]</option>'
or to add the sku as a class or whatever... can any1 give me some tips where to start ?
i need the sku to check the stock using ajax an i want to disable the option if the size is out of stock and to display a "out of stock" on the option

Asked by: CosticaPuntaru
on April 3, 2013

1 Answer

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Subscribing. You would think this is a simple feature that comes with the system, but I cannot get sizes to work with stock options. I may be missing something but I am so confused and frustrated at this point. Hopefully someone will post an answer.

Answer by: sol13705
Posted: Apr 24, 2013