Do I need a Store Plugin Module like ECC for simple store actions?
I was looking at a plugin for the Drupal Store I am building based off of the Commerce Kickstart download to be able to work with my orders, but it seems like these modules do a lot more than I actually need it to do. I need to access and work with the orders/payments in a very simple fashion without automated input to Quickbooks.
Essentially what I need to do is:
1) Take and process all orders online.
2) Be able to view/edit a list of the orders.
3) Have an email automatically sent to the sales manager who will manually enter the data for the purchase into Quickbooks.
4) Confirmation email sent to customer.
Can these responsibilities be dealt with directly through the Drupal interface, or should I be looking into alternative plugins to help with these actions?
Perfect! That is what I needed to know. By take and process, I mean just take orders via credit card, paypal, etc. My next question is, How can I generate test orders just to get to see how it will all render? Thanks!