Allow Users To Change Status Of Completed Orders
My apologies if this is a very basic question. I’ve inherited an already built site that’s using commerce for workshop registrations. We want each individual user to be able to change the status of any of their own completed orders. We just want people to be able to change the status to cancelled. I can’t figure out how to even get started on this.
It’s set up like so… three entities: product (workshop), order (what they order), and line item (each item in the order). Line item has a field called "Status" that defaults to "pending" and then can be changed to "attended" or "canceled." It seems like can't give users the level of access they need to cancel their own orders without also giving them access to administer the whole store.
Is that correct? Where do I even begin to look for this as I’m brand new to commerce.
[Edited to add]:
I think maybe it's a bit more than that and it wasn't obvious to me at first. They need to be able to change the status of the Line Item (not just the order), and the Line Item status is a field that was added and is not part of core commerce.
I think maybe it's a bit more than that and it wasn't obvious to me at first. They need to be able to change the status of the Line Item (not just the order), and the Line Item status is a field that was added and is not part of core commerce.