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Send email with PDF invoice


I've been trying to set up my website to send an email with an invoice PDF attached file, but I can't manage to install/configure the modules properly, I've read the documentation and so on, but maybe I'm too newbie.
The module I use is Commerce PDF Invoice I made sure that every dependencies are installed too.

Does some accomplished this yet ? From what I have read it can be done.

Many thanks!

Asked by: Banzai
on March 20, 2013


I follow thoese steps, I didn't got any errors, firstly the ../commerce/invoice/% was a blank PDF page with only a title and now, after I set the permissions properly, it seems that the PDF module doesn't take effect, the invoice page is just a normal invoice page.

I was thinking that I don't really have to send an email with the invoice attach, I can provide in the email a link for the it, maybe it will be easier than sanding an email with the attached file.

- Banzai on March 21, 2013

Hi Banzai,
I am having the same issue too.
I installed Commerce PDF Invoice and followed the steps with no errors.
I can only get a blank PDF page from ./commerce/invoice/% view.

Did you get the solution for this matter? Can you share it? I don't know how to continue.
- ggpro

- ggpro ggpro on December 23, 2014

1 Answer