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How do you hide or change the position of the social media button shown on the product page?

I am currently playing around with the Kickstart 2 setup and I am wondering how to change the position of the social media buttons on a product page. For instance I want to move the facebook like, g+, and tweet buttons shown at the bottom right of the product page to below the title and above the SKU number, as shown in this kickstart demo store link, http://demo.commerceguys.com/ck/drinks/drupal-commerce-wake-you. Alternatively I would like to know how to hide the social buttons altogether. Any help is appreciated.


Asked by: muirhead
on November 24, 2012

1 Answer

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Sean - I can't give you all the specifics, but I was able to surmise that this link is a block that seems to be provided by the service-links module. If you disable this module then the social buttons go away. I suspect that this block is in a tpl somewhere in the commerce_kickstart_theme if you just want to move it around.

Answer by: Anonymous (not verified)
Posted: Jan 4, 2013