Best practice for deploying content & structure in Drupal Commerce and for syncing between separate DC instances
What would be the best practice to deploy content & sync structure between two separate Drupal Commerce instances (separate hosts, separate databases)?
It looks like there are several options available at the moment:
1. Simply sync databases (by export/impot) - both for structure & content migration.
It can be suitable for whole server's migration and I guess for staging/production setup in some cases - if one know which tables to sync exactly.
2. Use Commerce Migrate Module.
A little documentation is available for this one..
3. Use Features Module.
I guess it is good for exporting structure only, not content.
4. Use Deploy Module.
Should be ideal for staging/production setup, but it looks like Commerce entities are not fully supported by Deploy at the moment and one has to add UUID's support manually. Also Deploy for 7.x seems not capable of syncing structure (for example taxonomy vocabs should be recreated manually on both servers or synced by Features module somehow).
So, what's the recommended way to sync structure/content between separate DC setups ?
And, specifically, which database tables one should sync between DC separate setups to have identical product stock, but without syncing users (customer profiles) & orders ?