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How do i get a discount images to correspond with the product discounts i have made using rules

I have followed Randy Fey's discounts with rules video on Vimeo and have successfully implemented the option within an individual product to choose discounts (10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%).

I was incredibly exited that this works. Now i need a way to let the customers know that the items are on sale.

I believe many commerce sites have an automated function that when an item is on sale an image for example "20% OFF!" is displayed on that particular product.

How do i implement a picture to go along with the % discount rule i have made.

(also this would be a nice function for "new" products or "free" products as well)

any video's or blog posts on this topic?

If you need more clarification let me know.
thanks for the help!

Asked by: Tim Jones
on October 4, 2012


Tim, how did you manage offering multiple discount options. Did you pass the discount figure with a variable, or did you nest conditions?

- rleroux on December 6, 2012

I followed a guide that randy fay has. It created a rule for creating discounts. I added a condition for a specific taxonomy (which i labeled as a percentage). when i create a product i simply choose the taxonomy term and it applies the discount. I don't completely understand Randy's tutorial because it involves using rules and doing double negative conditions to get the discount to write properly. But i followed it and it worked. I then copy and pasted the rule, changed the action to the correct condition and made discounts in increments of 10%.

The tutorial is on vimeo in the commerce guys account. Cant remember the link off the top of my head. I found it on this site in the list of tutorial vids.

Hope this helps!

- Tim Jones on December 13, 2012

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