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Rules not firing during admin order editing

I am unsure as to if this is a bug, or if it's simply me not configuring the rules properly, but here we go.

I have a rule that is set up to add sales tax to orders whose billing address is in indiana. That works properly on the customer side. However when adding a product to that order via the admin, after the customer checks out, the order sales tax isn't updated to take into consideration the added product.

Asked by: Michael Hodge Jr
on September 28, 2012

3 Answers

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Taxes are applied during sell price calculation, and that only happens on load for orders in a shopping cart status. To get around this, you can changes the status of the order to shopping cart, save it, and the price will be updated.

There is a feature request in the queue to add action buttons for this to the line item manager widget; even a contrib for doing it in the meantime.

Josh Miller
Answer by: Josh Miller
Posted: Nov 16, 2012


Josh - Sorry to bug you, but could you please point me to the feature request and contributed module you reference above? I am in need of a solution and am so far hitting a wall. Thanks!

- ben.hamelin on February 20, 2014
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Could you post link to contrib and feature requests? Found this, exactly what I was looking for but am not finding those two resources. Thanks!

Answer by: ben.hamelin
Posted: Jan 22, 2014
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Follow up - I'm not sure this is entirely true. In my scenario as follows:

1) order created, 3 separate tax rates apply. One tax rate has 2 actions associated w/ rule, the second pointing a module function that varies the tax amount based on occupancy. (This is a bed tax for lodging property). Order status is pending
2) order edited in admin to reflect new discounted price (edit unit price of single line item). All 3 taxes update, however in my case, the 2nd action is not performed, and so the base tax rule is applied. Order status pending.
3) Moving order status back to "shopping cart" - unit price reverts back to "standard" price. All 3 taxes again update, this time the proper action fires and taxes are correct. Price is no longer editable, etc. Order Status "shopping cart"
4) Moving order back to pending, no change to values. Order status pending.

Answer by: ben.hamelin
Posted: Jan 22, 2014