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Quantity Matrix for WholeSalers - Multiple Quantity

Hey All,

I'm trying to make a new commerce kickstart v2 for a customer.
The customer wants a Whole Sale functionality.
It's pretty normal for that world to have 1 article in 20 different sizes.

Let's say we have 1 Article in 20 different sizes.
Size 1 = 100 in stock
Size 2 = 150 in stock
Size 3 = 200 in stock

So the customer can select 50 pieces of Size 1 and 70 pieces of Size 2 and then Add to Cart
Here's a picture of what i mean:

How is this possible ?
So is there a module that can have a Quantity Matrix and keeping up with stock of the sizes?

Asked by: Infinity Artworx
on August 9, 2012

1 Answer

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For some reason the picture doesn't work but if you copy/paste this it will work:

Answer by: Anonymous (not verified)
Posted: Aug 12, 2012