Stuck with reading a feed into product_display
I created a shop and read lots of products into the database.
I used commerce feeds module, which worked greate, after I added feeds_tamper, to manage the prices comming from the external system.
Now I am stuck with the second step.
It gives me an error, when I try reading in records with images.
I created a folder called produktbilder under the files folder, and gave it the complete rights set (777).
I assigned the ownership to root:apache.
But still I receive this message:
File temporary://fileY7UVAP could not be copied, because the destination directory public://produktbilderpublic://produktbilder is not configured correctly.
The directory string in this message confuses me.
Anyway, there are no records created.
If I create a record manualy, it works perfect. I can upload a picture with no problem, or create a record without one.
Somehow it has to do with the rights of the cron job user.
And this listed folder name is realy confusing.
I need a hint, how and where to look after this problem.
There are only 17000 Records waiting to be imported ;-)