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Implementing very simple POST checkout

I have to implement pretty simple POST checkout to third party for payments.
Basically, i need to to send simple form to payment gateway with prepopulated info.


<form action="https://third-party-gateway/payment.aspx" method="POST">
    <input type="hidden" name="ShopID" value="10001111">
    <input type="hidden" name="ShoppingCartID" value="10001007">
    <input type="hidden" name="TotalAmount" value="15,00">

payment is then processed on gateway side.

I see this like - i need a cart, and after customer review order, and press order now, i transfer the data from cart fields via POST method to third party.

I do not store any credit cards or sensitive info on Drupal side. It is simple form submit to the third party.

I wonder how hard would it be to implement this via DrupalCommerce. So far, no great luck with Ubercart, (i have it installed and asked the community, but no luck on response.)

Thanks for clues!

Asked by: HoverFusion
on July 11, 2012

2 Answers

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Answer by: Anonymous (not verified)
Posted: Sep 26, 2012