"Apply pricing rules" to order
Having been bitten by the change to Rules and the application of pricing rules ( (https://www.drupal.org/node/2403851) we needed to change change the pricing on a few orders. (The site has been patched and pricing on new orders is working ).
The site is set up to offer different pricing ( through Rules ) if the customer has the wholesale pricing role.
The 'Apply pricing rules' button on /admin/commerce/orders/NNN/edit looks like it should fix the incorrect prices on the orders but doesn't.
The application of the pricing rules seems to be based on the roles of the current user rather than the user that placed the order. If the administrator/current user is given the relevant wholesale role then the 'Apply pricing rules' button does what I expect it to, without it they orders has retail pricing.
It seems like this is either a bug or our rules are set up incorrectly.
Any ideas on which it is, and how our pricing rules should be set up if it's not a bug?
Many thanks, that was the problem, they're just set up wrong :-)